Nontraditional Acquisition—Making The Golden Dome For America a Reality


Defense Acquisition Magazine Nontraditional Acquisition—Making The Golden Dome For America a Reality


“Nontraditional Acquisition—Making the Golden Dome for America a Reality” – Defense Acquisition Magazine

MTSI’s Kim Sulak co-authors with Danny Poskey about how MDA is strategically positioned to help develop and deliver the next-generation missile defense shield, the Golden Dome for America.

“MDA’s history and how acquisition organizations can make the Golden Dome for America a reality demonstrates that nontraditional approaches can provide innovation, streamlining, and agility applicable to almost any project across the DoD.”


Notional representation of the Hypersonic and Ballistic Tracking Space Sensor, or fire control-quality sensor, which is planned to be integrated into the U.S. Space Force Proliferated Warfighter Space Architecture.
Notional representation of the Hypersonic and Ballistic Tracking Space Sensor, or fire control-quality sensor, which is planned to be integrated into the U.S. Space Force Proliferated Warfighter Space Architecture.
Source: Courtesy of Missile Defense Agency


The Missile Defense Agency’s mission.Source: Courtesy of Missile Defense Agency
The Missile Defense Agency’s mission.
Source: Courtesy of Missile Defense Agency


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