The MTSI Weapon Systems Cybersecurity team provides differentiated, comprehensive, high-end Risk Management and Engineering solutions. We use our expertise to identify and characterize risk for a platform, system, or weapon system to help our clients maintain their mission amid ongoing, evolving cybersecurity threats.
Experience ensuring cyber resiliency and survivability on varying Platform IT (PIT) (aircraft, maritime, ground vehicles, etc.).
Equip customers with relevant RM/SSE integration techniques to maximize early cyber rigor and align with federally mandated requirements (NIST/RMF, Acquisition Artifacts, MBSE Integration).
Employ various risk management processes in order to prioritize the mission, maximize cybersecurity and engineering trade space, and deliver secure solutions at various stages of the acquisition lifecycle.
Expertise in adversarial penetration testing of cyber-physical systems for both public and private customers.
Extensive experience in developing and testing offensive cyber capabilities in both lab settings and complex mission-representative environments.
Develops and delivers hands-on technical training on cyber physical system reverse engineering and cyber attack methods.
Effectively assess, measure, and communicate risk to decision makers through the use of URAMS, an in-house model that uses a system of connected tools across the spectrum of qualitative analysis and quantitative measurement.
Enables the understanding of cyber risk for cyber-physical systems across a wide range of potential environments and use cases.
Compliments/Integrates/Aligns with existing requirement frameworks (Risk Management Framework, Air Worthiness, etc.).
The MTSI Weapon Systems Cybersecurity team provides differentiated, comprehensive, high-end Risk Management and Engineering solutions. The core capability within the MTSI Weapon System Cybersecurity team is a full-package pipeline that begins with MTSI’s URAMS risk assessment framework which leads to informed cyber penetration testing which shapes the eventual RMF package requirements.
We use our expertise to identify and characterize risk for a platform, system, or weapon system to help our clients maintain their mission amid ongoing, evolving cybersecurity threats.
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