High Rate Thermal and Signature Solver (HiRTSS)

The High Rate Thermal and Signature Solver (HiRTSS) is a fast-running physics-based tool that couples an efficient 1-D thermal solver with a signature generator.


    High Rate Thermal and Signature Solver (HiRTSS)

    HiRTSS calculates Vis/IR signatures and imagery (both static and dynamic) for Space Objects, Satellites, Missiles, Countermeasures, Air and Ground Targets at full fidelity. HiRTSS is fast enough to be called by HADES to generate inputs to present to an algorithm under test. This process involves changing target attributes such as target geometry, environmental conditions, and material properties. HiRTSS enables testers to expose an algorithm to a large range of physical configurations that would not be feasible to test in the real world.

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